December 23, 2009

New SkyView Feature Videos

Our own Mike Schofield hosts a series of videos highlighting the many advanced features of the SkyView System. Click Here to find the whole series.

December 17, 2009

Oshkosh 2009 Grand Champion

Randy Snarr is a Dynon Autopilot Beta Tester, and proud owner of the 2009 Oshkosh Kitbuilt Grand Champion Lancair. As you can see, he well deserves this award; it is a beautifully made airplane.

December 9, 2009

First Production SkyView Installation

Ken Kopp is the proud owner of the first production SkyViews installed in an airplane. His two 7" Displays are shown here in his RV-8, along with an EFIS-D10A as an independent backup. In his words: "Received the SkyView system today. WOW! What a nice piece of engineering... I had pretty much everything ready to go based upon your documentation and the panels dropped right into place and installed in 5 minutes or so."

December 4, 2009

SkyView Ships!! December 4, 2009

The first SkyViews have shipped! Shown here are Dynonites gathered on the loading dock, waiting for the UPS and FedEx trucks to show up.