We've just released SkyView 7, with support for Charts and Airport Diagrams, as well as the ability to select things on the map like airports and airspace (this is really useful, especially in dense areas). With these two features, I was able to fly back from Oshkosh without a single piece of paper. Actually, that's a lie. I did have my "VFR" Oshkosh departure card printed.
There are a few other new awesome features in this release as well. Timers, fuel tank switch reminder, ATC/FSS frequencies, and a couple of subtle but workload-reducing improvements to the Expert Autopilot control scheme. See the "what's new" page for all of the details.
We're still working through non-US scenarios on the charting front, so unfortunately, those won't be available at this time. As it turns out, EU governments really don't make it easy for small companies to provide data that's anywhere near affordable. We hope to have an update on that front soon. On a positive note, we've structured a deal with Seattle Avionics for US data that gets US customers all the available procedure charts (plates), FAA airport diagrams, AND the Flight Guide airport diagrams (about 5k in the US) for only $99/year. No VFR/IFR split, no hidden fees.
Also, we're trying something new by having redline versions of the core manuals available. Download the updated docs at http://docs.dynonavionics.com
...and the software update to SkyView 7 at http://downloads.dynonavionics.com.
Go Fly!
Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics